4 Wooden Board Games That Make For a Great Birthday Gift

4 Wooden Board Games That Make For a Great Birthday Gift

Finding the perfect birthday gift for kids can leave you feeling a bit defeated. With a focus on technology, devices, apps, and games, you might be left thinking there is no way you could buy something that the average kids would enjoy. 

The good news is that even the most tech-loving child can be swayed to love other games as well. Board games have long been a source of fun for the whole family. You might have memories of long hours playing Monopoly or The Game of Life. 

There are plenty of other great board games for kids. Some you may have never heard of. When looking for a birthday gift, why not consider a Sling Puck Game, chess, Chinese checkers, or Mancala? Here’s why these wooden board games make a great birthday gift. 

Have a Sling Puck Game Tournament

Looking for something outside the normal board games? Try a Sling Puck Game tournament. Kids love the challenge of trying to get all 5 of their pucks through the hole first. By playing it tournament style at the birthday, you’ll be able to involve everyone in the fun. Adults also enjoy playing with their kids, which makes it perfect for family game nights for years to come. 

Start a Battle of the Wits With a Chess Game

Chess is a game of strategy and thought. It’s so much more than a board game. Giving the gift of a wooden chess set is perfect for a birthday. Whether it’s for a chess enthusiast, or someone who is just getting started, chess is the kind of game that grows with you. Instead of being a game you’ll only enjoy for a few years, it becomes a game you’ll love into adulthood

Learn to Play Chinese Checkers

Want a game that can be played by up to 6 players? Try Chinese checkers. Instead of the traditional two-player game that is normal checkers, Chinese checkers can be played by 2, 3, 4, or 6 people. This is great to pull out at a birthday party and get multiple people involved. It’s another option that doesn’t lose its appeal too quickly. A good Chinese checkers set will last for years which makes it the perfect birthday gift for people young and old. 

Quietly Enjoy a Game of Mancala

Mancala is the kind of game that looks simple enough, but you can plan your moves in advance. By plotting out what you’re going to do next, you’re more likely to win. It’s a great gift for a birthday party because much like a Sling Puck Game, you can play it in a short enough amount of time, try it tournament style, and you don’t outgrow it the way you would Hi-Ho Cherry-O. 

Playing Board Games is Back in Style

While children and adults nowadays do enjoy playing on technology, they are also going back to more traditional forms of entertainment like board games. These work whether you are connected to the internet or not and they provide a much-needed tech break. Finding a fun birthday present isn’t hard when you give something like Mancala, Chinese checkers, chess, or a Sling Puck Game. 

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