Natural Numbers – Definition & Uses

Natural Numbers – Definition & Uses

How do you write your age? How do you count the candle on a birthday cake? All of these daily activities require the involvement of natural numbers. Natural numbers, which range from 1 to infinity and contain all positive integers (integers > 0), and become a part of the number system. Counting numbers are natural numbers that do not include zero (0) or negative numbers such as -1, -2, or -10. They are a component of real numbers and are only 

  • positive integers
  • not zero,
  • Fractions,
  • Decimals,
  • or negative numbers.

History of Roman Numerals

Roman numerals are a number system created by the ancient Romans for counting and other everyday operations. A number of letters from the Latin alphabet are used to represent roman numerals. Roman digits are widely employed as generic suffixes for persons across centuries, as hour marks on a clock, and as names of Popes and Monarchs, among other things.

The Romans utilized a system of number notation known as Roman numerals. Roman numerals are an additive (as well as subtractive) system in which letters are employed to represent specified “base” numbers and other numbers are represented by symbol combinations. Regrettably, little is known about the history of the roman number system.

To know more about natural numbers and the applications of natural numbers, do visit the Cuemath website.

Roman Numerals: How to Write Them?

When representing a number in roman numerals, certain requirements must be fulfilled. Please read the following rules.

  1. The symbol’s value is multiplied by the number of times it is repeated. (For example, 2 is represented as II, 20 is denoted as XX, and 30 is as XXX.)
  2. A sign can only be repeated three times, for example, XXX = 30, CC = 200, and so on.
  3. Symbols such as V, L, and D are never repeated again.
  4. When a symbol with a lower value occurs after a symbol with a higher value, the values of the two symbols are added. For instance, VII = VI + I = 6 + 1 which equals 7.
  5. When a sign with a lower value occurs before a symbol of a higher value, it is subtracted. For instance, IX = X – I = 10 – 1 = 9.

Definition of Natural Numbers 

Natural numbers are the numbers that are utilized for counting and ordering in mathematics. Words used for counting are known as “cardinal numbers,” and words used for sorting are known as “ordinal numbers” in standard mathematical language. Learn about Wpit18 and 6streams

Two Types of Natural Numbers 

Let’s discuss the two most common types of natural numbers –

  • Odd Natural Numbers

You must be aware of what odd numbers are in mathematics. Odd numbers are the numbers that are not divisible by the number 2 and leave a remainder on being divided by the number 2. The odd natural numbers are the odd numbers that belong to the set N. As a result, the set of odd natural numbers is {1,3,5,7,…}

  • Even Natural Numbers

You must be aware of what even numbers are in mathematics. Even numbers are the numbers that are divisible by the number 2 and do not leave a remainder on being divided by the number 2. Even natural numbers are even integers that are divisible by two and belong to the set N. As a result, the set of even natural numbers is { 2,4,6,8,10, 12,…}

Examples of Natural Numbers

The main purpose of natural numbers is countability. For example, you are in a class and your class teacher asks you to count the number of students present in the class. Do you realize this requires the knowledge of natural numbers. Here the numbers 1,2,3…. come into the picture. Rini has four chocolates, the time on the clock is 4:55 pm, Mala takes 5 seconds to draw a balloon. Natural numbers are everywhere. Learn more about apk

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